In partnership with the Maine Memory Network Maine Memory Network

Strong, a Mussul Unsquit village

A Legacy of Woods and Waters

1951 School

Strong Public School and Randall-Thomas Gymnasium, Strong, ca. 1951

Strong Public School and Randall-Thomas Gymnasium, Strong, ca. 1951

Item 64394 info
Strong Historical Society

Dedicated on August 26, 1951 this new school served as elementary, junior high and high school, in a modern facility with state-of-the-art furnishings and equipment. For the first time theatrical productions, indoor sporting events and hot lunches could occur in the school facilities. For the first time extra-curricular activities were also available for junior high students.

In 1969, Mt. Abram Regional High School consolidated high school students from five northern Franklin County towns, including Strong, into one campus, and Strong Public School was converted to an elementary and middle school.

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