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Strong, a Mussul Unsquit village

A Legacy of Woods and Waters

1951 School

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Auction Fundraiser For Furnishing the New School, Strong, cr. 1951

Auction Fundraiser For Furnishing the New School, Strong, cr. 1951

Item 72862 info
Strong Historical Society

Townspeople of Strong conducted a host of fundraising events during the school construction project to ensure that it was furnished with "A Seat for Every Child."

Here donated items are sold to the highest bidder in a very spirited auction at a storage garage owned by Carroll H. Brackley. Bids often exceeded the value of the items.

Strong Public School and Randall-Thomas Gymnasium, Strong, ca. 1951

Strong Public School and Randall-Thomas Gymnasium, Strong, ca. 1951

Item 64394 info
Strong Historical Society

Dedicated on August 26, 1951 this new school served as elementary, junior high and high school, in a modern facility with state-of-the-art furnishings and equipment. For the first time theatrical productions, indoor sporting events and hot lunches could occur in the school facilities. For the first time extra-curricular activities were also available for junior high students.

In 1969, Mt. Abram Regional High School consolidated high school students from five northern Franklin County towns, including Strong, into one campus, and Strong Public School was converted to an elementary and middle school.

Students in Strong Public School lunchroom, Strong, ca. 1953

Students in Strong Public School lunchroom, Strong, ca. 1953

Item 67527 info
Strong Historical Society

These childen at one of several tables in the school lunchroom in Strong were provided a nutritious hot lunch. Note the milk in glass bottles, and what appears to be mashed potatoes, another vegetable and a dessert item.

Those identified in the photo are, on the left from front: Roger Lambert and beside him, Clifford Haggan. On the right from front are: Judith Nickerson, Cheryl Luce, Russell Probert, Ellen White, and next to last Alana Ladd.

Strong School Band, Strong, ca. 1958

Strong School Band, Strong, ca. 1958

Item 67536 info
Strong Historical Society

G. Burchard Flagg led the Strong School Band for several years allowing the Jr. High students and the High School to exercise their musical talents together as part of the band in Strong.

First Row, Left-Right: Mildred Huff, Muriel Pinkham, Gregory Flagg, Roger Lambert, Michael Moffett, Larry Brackley, Elaine Brackley, Edward Taylor, Terrance Doble, Sharon Lewis, Austin Marden.
Second Row: Cecil Leavitt, Virginia Sprague, Carole Reed, Mildred Curtis, Brenda Stevens, Donald Richards, Paul Neil, Clinton Brackley, Joseph Essency, Barry Huff.
Third Row: Gary Lisherness, Darryl Huff, Sharon Clinch, Elinor Bunnell, Pamela Carlow, Joanne Bass, Robert Elliott, Olivia Hutchins, Jo Anne Pond, Leslie Phillips, Leader Burchard Flagg.
Fourth Row: Allyn Heald, Carlton Boyd, Elaine Reed, Robert Huff, Jon Lambert, George Lewis, Nanette Starbird, Loretta Lisherness.

Departure on Senior Class Trip, Strong, 1961

Departure on Senior Class Trip, Strong, 1961

Item 65114 info
Strong Historical Society

For many years the senior class trip to Washington, D.C. was a tradition in Strong. Tours to the museums, monuments, Congress and Capitol were highlights. Here members of the Class of 1961 are ready for departure.

In front, from left, are chaperone Miriam Lisherness, Michael W. Reynolds, Linda R. Melvin, Patricia R. Probert, Dawn V. Pingree and Ardis A. Howes.

In the back, from left, are chaperone Charles Lisherness, Collin C. White, Robert O. Huff, Cecil H. Allen, Allan S. Wyman, George S. Gilmore, George S. Lewis and Gary L. Lisherness.

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