Gathered at the entrance, the students of Grades 8-12 appear in this Strong School image.
First Row, L-R: (1) Kenneth M. Brackley, (2) Clarence Nutting, (3) Lawrence M. Eustis, (4) Hugh G. Allen, (5) Philip A. Stinchfield, (6) James Vining, (7) Unidentified, (8) Unidentified, (9) Leeman E. Haines, (10) Jasper M. Foster, (11) Unidentified, (12) Maurice C. Peary, (13) Lyde S. Howes.
Second Row: (1) F. Ethlyn Welch, (2) Geraldine F. Foster, (3) Thelma M. Hammond, (4) Lucille M. Smith, (5) Myrtie L. Brackley, (6) Glennis E. Kennedy.
Third Row: (1) Randall O. Vining, (2) Unidentified, (3) Lulu M. Huff, (4) Vivian L. Hammond, (5) Helen M. Goldsmith, (6) Martha E. Richards, (7) Unidentified, (8) Erwin E. Toothaker, (9) Briceno A. Haines, (10) Charles M. Richards, (11) Fred A. McCleary.
Fourth Row: (1) Bernard O. Heald, (2) Henry S. Allen, (3) Delmar H. Johnson, (4) Frank E. Spear, (5) Virginia I. Fitch, (6) Winnifred M. Hubbard, (7) Emily Webster, (8) Jessie V. Sample, (9) Roland P. Kershner, (10) Richard E. Lambert, (11) Orra M. Welch.
Fifth Row: (1) Dana E. Peary, (2) Glendon R. Brackley, (3) Harold C. Lawton, (4) Richard H. Bell, (5) Harold J. Spear, (6) Colon L. Dyar, (7) George E. Fletcher, (8) Vance E. Hammond, (9) J. Elmo Morse.
Sixth Row: (1) Orris B. Richards, (2) Edwin W. Goodwin, (3) Thelma G. Richards, (4) Arline R. McCleary, (5) Blanche V. Lisherness, (6) Mary E. Dickey, (7) Rebecca M. Rounds, (8) R. Lucille Brackley, (9) Florice L. Johnson, (10) Hazel J. Kershner.
Seventh Row: (1) Charles C. Phillips, (2) Chester R. Parker, (3) Unidentified, (4) Bernard A. Kennedy, (5) John P. Sample, (6) Eugene A. Huff.